fee schedule*
90-minute intake interview $300
Individual Psyschotherapy:
45-minute psychotherapy session $150
60-minute psychotherapy session $200
75-minute psychotherapy session $250
*These fees are subject to change with a 30 day notice. Please inquire if the services you seek are not listed above.
insurance information
None of the clinicians at Secure Foundations are paneled with any insurance companies, and we do not file claims for clients.
Our clinicians provide diagnostic and procedural codes for his clients with out-of-network benefits who wish to files their own claims with their insurance companies and be reimbursed directly. This is successful for some of his clients. Check with your insurer for details.
financial assistance
At Secure Foundations we do not turn people away because of a lack of capacity to pay our regular rates.
We will work with you if you are in financial hardship.
This may take the form of additional time to pay off a balance or if need is demonstrated, write-offs for services to reduce the out-of-pocket expense for clients.
We do expect that clients will make a significant financial sacrifice for their treatment and demonstrate need by bringing in the last two years' of tax return documents before write-offs are considered.